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How to Embrace Energy Conservation and Efficiency in Your Home

Saving money is at the forefront of many homeowners' minds, and managing home energy bills is a powerful way to cut down monthly expenses. When you're looking to cut back on your energy use, there are two major strategies you may employ: energy conservation...

Ceiling Fans Maximize Comfort and Savings with a Little Attention

A ceiling fan is the most effective circulating fan there is. Circulating fans include table and pole-mounted floor fans, but these other types can’t compete in terms of circulating room air for wind-chill cooling. Basically, ceiling fans create a nice draft...

Cooler Weather Energy-Saving Tips for Hagertown Homeowners

If you're searching for energy-saving tips for practical ways to keep heating bills down, increase comfort or both, you've found the right page. Read through these tips and efficiency upgrades for simple savings today, and home-efficiency tuneups and...

Fall in the Best Season for Installing a New Central A/C

As summer turns to fall, installing a new central A/C presents an opportunity for good timing. As with many consumer commodities, the most favorable conditions for purchasing HVAC equipment occur during the time of year when demand for that particular product is low....

Get Substantial Benefits with a Zoning System

Does your Mid-Atlantic home have uneven temperatures, making it difficult to control comfort from one room to the next? Zoning system benefits include total comfort control in all areas of your home, allowing everyone to enjoy comfortable temperatures where and when...

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