Please pardon our progress as we are updating our website to reflect our new service plan offerings to better meet our customer needs. For specific service plan related questions, please contact us at 1-888-Griffy1

How to Ensure Efficient Air Conditioning Throughout the Summer

Another summer is fast approaching, and with it, you’ll want an air conditioner that works effectively, efficiently and reliably throughout the season. Efficient air conditioning means that your home cooling system will keep your indoor living environment as...

Humidifiers and How They Can Impact Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality

Especially during the cold Baltimore area winters, dry indoor air is a common problem that can leave you less comfortable, raise your energy bills, and even cause damage to your home. An indoor humidity level less than 35 percent impairs the air quality throughout...

The Essential Parts of the HVAC System and How They Keep You Comfy

When it comes to your comfort, you can't know too much about the parts of the HVAC system in your Baltimore home. If each of the components listed below is functioning properly, the system as a whole is more efficient, increasing comfort and using less...

How to Embrace Energy Conservation and Efficiency in Your Home

Saving money is at the forefront of many homeowners' minds, and managing home energy bills is a powerful way to cut down monthly expenses. When you're looking to cut back on your energy use, there are two major strategies you may employ: energy conservation...

Get Substantial Benefits with a Zoning System

Does your Mid-Atlantic home have uneven temperatures, making it difficult to control comfort from one room to the next? Zoning system benefits include total comfort control in all areas of your home, allowing everyone to enjoy comfortable temperatures where and when...

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