Please pardon our progress as we are updating our website to reflect our new service plan offerings to better meet our customer needs. For specific service plan related questions, please contact us at 1-888-Griffy1

Eliminate Dust from Your Home and Watch IAQ Soar

Where does dust come from? Most dust is generated by us, our pets and the possessions within our homes. Only a small amount of it wafts in from outdoors or travels in on our clothes. Once we understand that, we can take logical steps to control dust. By doing so,...

Will a Whole-House Fan Make Your Baltimore Home More Comfortable?

A whole-house fan is home ventilation taken to the highest level. These powerful ceiling-mounted fans make your entire home the vent, inducing a strong negative pressure inside the house that draws fresh outdoor air in through open windows while exhausting stale...

Looking to Save Energy? This Extensive Guide Has You Covered

With its humid summers and occasional winter nor’easters, Baltimore’s climate can quickly run up your utility bills. Saving energy on heating and cooling is a great place to start lowering those bills, but there’s a lot more you can do. Improving...

How to Ensure Efficient Air Conditioning Throughout the Summer

Another summer is fast approaching, and with it, you’ll want an air conditioner that works effectively, efficiently and reliably throughout the season. Efficient air conditioning means that your home cooling system will keep your indoor living environment as...

What Are the Advantages of an HVAC Service and Maintenance Agreement?

Regular care and maintenance are essential for the health of your heating and cooling systems. With an HVAC service and maintenance agreement, it’s more convenient and affordable to keep your system in great shape. There are many benefits to investing in this type of...

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