Please pardon our progress as we are updating our website to reflect our new service plan offerings to better meet our customer needs. For specific service plan related questions, please contact us at 1-888-Griffy1

Troubleshooting Tips for an Oil Furnace

Oil furnaces are traditionally very stable and reliable sources of home heating. When the inevitable occurs and your heating system starts acting up, you can benefit from the following tips on troubleshooting an oil furnace. These techniques may save you the trouble...

Side by Side Comparison of Gas and Oil Furnaces

If you're facing a furnace replacement soon, you might want to take a little time to consider the advantages and disadvantages of gas vs. oil furnaces. Both options are available to homeowners here in the Baltimore area. You may want to stay with the type of...

Get Ready for Cooler Temperatures with a Mini-Split Heat Pump

If you haven't considered a heat pump for home heating upgrades and projects, it’s time to take a new look at ductless mini-split heat pumps. With technologically-advanced features and point-of-use comfort and efficiency, ductless systems offer advantages...

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