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Common Sources of Heat Loss and How to Address Them

Common Sources of Heat Loss and How to Address Them

You have the thermostat cranked up and the furnace is definitely running, but your Columbia, Maryland, home is still chilly and drafty. If this sounds like a familiar scenario, then you’re probably experiencing heat loss in your home. A number of factors...
How Variable Speed Furnaces Save you Money

How Variable Speed Furnaces Save you Money

When heating your Manassas, Virginia, home, you’ve got more energy-efficient options than a heater that simply turns on or off. Think about replacing your old furnace with a variable speed furnace and a smart thermostat. A variable speed furnace incrementally...
What’s the Ideal Temperature for Your Home?

What’s the Ideal Temperature for Your Home?

Achieving round-the-clock home comfort isn’t easy. However, did you know there are different ideal temperatures for just about everything you do? For Martinsburg, West Virginia, homeowners who constantly fret over programming that thermostat, here are some...

A Homeowner’s Guide to Understanding Home Energy Ratings

A home energy rating is a useful tool that homeowners, buyers, sellers and builders can use to evaluate the energy efficiency of a planned or existing home. The information provided by an expert home energy rating can be used to compare homes on the market as well as...

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