Please pardon our progress as we are updating our website to reflect our new service plan offerings to better meet our customer needs. For specific service plan related questions, please contact us at 1-888-Griffy1
When is it time to replace your gas furnace? Each homeowner will come up with a different answer, but it all boils down to a very basic cost-benefit analysis. When the benefits of installing new heating equipment outweigh the costs of the equipment and installation,...
It’s easy to ignore unseen equipment and structural features in the home, especially if your systems seem to be functioning correctly. However, transitional times of year during which your heating and cooling equipment are out of service may provide the...
Most homeowners want to keep their energy bills as low as possible, and while they stay on top of the obvious tasks, they often miss potential energy waste from ductwork. Ductwork often leaks over time, and because it’s not easy to inspect, it’s hard to...
Ducts are the circulatory system of your HVAC installation, carrying conditioned air to all parts of your home and returning air to central furnaces and air conditioners in order to be filtered and conditioned again. Because of this important role, and because in most...
Most homeowners don’t give the ductwork in their home a second thought. That is, until something goes wrong. Although many don’t know it, the ductwork is crucial to keeping your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system working efficiently. Just as...