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Ducts are like the lungs of your home. After the return air is drawn into the HVAC system and conditioned, the ductwork sends it to registers where it’s distributed through the home. If you’ve got problems with your ducts, poor indoor air quality may...
When you have excess humidity in your home, one of the first places you may notice it is on the windows. Condensation on windows can take the form of water droplets, fog, frost or ice. This type of condensation is a reliable sign that there’s more moisture in...
It’s no secret that bad air inside your home can lead to respiratory problems, not to mention worsen those that already exist like allergies and asthma. But how do you improve indoor air quality? Try the following steps and you’ll be breathing easier than...
It’s no secret that breathing polluted air is bad for your lungs today and can even have negative effects on your long-term health. Everyone has seen news reports about air quality ratings, smog and outdoor pollution. However, many home and business owners...
It’s easy to ignore unseen equipment and structural features in the home, especially if your systems seem to be functioning correctly. However, transitional times of year during which your heating and cooling equipment are out of service may provide the...