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Heating oil tanks typically corrode from the inside out and often show no exterior signs of wearing excessively thin. For this reason, we provide a test that is similar to a medical ultrasound which allows us to give you a sense of security in knowing that your tank is safe, or advanced warning that your tank may be in need of proactive replacement.
The TankSure® Program enables us to evaluate the safety and integrity of your aboveground heating oil tank using an EPA approved ultrasonic tank test. Using the program’s testing technology, our technicians detect the level of corrosion inside your oil tank and predict the likelihood of your tank needing replacement in the near future. As an additional benefit, if your tank qualifies for the program, you will receive a tank replacement payment (typically between $1,000 and $2,500) for the future replacement of your oil tank*.
Benefits of the TankSure® Program include the following:

*To qualify for the TankSure® Program, your tank must not be in need of immediate replacement at the time of the initial inspection. To guarantee renewal coverage thereafter, the TankSure® Program warranty renews automatically and the ultrasonic tank inspection is scheduled as part of your annual tune-up.

1. Putting Safety First

2. Adding Value

3. Protecting Your Equipment

4. Planning Ahead

5. Keeping You Informed

6. Saving You Money