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Using a licensed HVAC professional for services in and around the Baltimore neighborhood is the best way to ensure work is carried out at the highest standards. Licensed heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) workers need to comply with strict regulations and have been assessed as competent to carry out HVAC work.

Here in Maryland, licensing for HVAC professionals is overseen by the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation (DLLR) and the Maryland Board of HVACR Contractors regulate and license all individuals providing HVAC services to commercial or domestic premises.  

As a consumer, there are a few things you need to know about the benefits of hiring a licensed HVAC professional for your home. 

  • Licenses are given to individuals, not businesses.
  • Prior to issuing any HVAC licenses, the DLLR investigate the contractor’s qualifications, training and aspects of personal life.
  • If you’re dissatisfied with work carried out by a licensed contractor, you can complain to the DLLR, who will take appropriate action if justified.
  • Maryland DLLR issues a number of different HVAC licenses, including apprentice, journeyman, limited and master levels. Each license permits contractors to work at specified levels or on certain jobs only.
  • Only a full master HVAC contractor is allowed to work in all areas of the HVAC industry.
  • Master restricted licenses only allow the contractor to work on systems stipulated in the license.

As you can see, it’s important to check out the status of HVAC professionals you’re considering. Ask to see your contractor’s personal license to check level of license held and confirm it’s relevant to the work you need carried out. Also check the status of any laborers present while the work is carried out. 

Griffith Energy Service has been providing heating and air conditioning services in the Maryland area for more than a hundred years. For a licensed HVAC professional, contact us today. 

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