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After you set up an appointment for a spring HVAC checkup in Easton MD, a technician will implement various procedures to improve how your equipment functions. This guide breaks down some of the checkup tasks that a spring AC checkup in Easton, MD would typically include.

Filter Maintenance

Because the air filter protects your HVAC system, a technician will always check it to ensure that the mesh isn’t dirty. If a filter is grimy or clogged, it’s best to replace it.

You can check your air filter before and after a spring maintenance checkup. Typically, the best time to examine it is every month. If you won’t use your HVAC system often throughout the spring and summer, for instance with a vacation home, you can perform an inspection every 90 days.

Debris Removal

Debris removal is a vital task during a spring checkup. During this phase, a technician will remove sticks, leaves, pollen and other environmental hazards that can interfere with your HVAC system by restricting airflow.

This is another task that you can manage following a checkup. To maintain proper airflow around your system, ensure that there is always 2 feet of unrestricted space around the outdoor equipment.

Register Inspection

If there is dirt and debris on the registers, an HVAC technician must clean the surfaces. You’ll find the registers on the floors or ceilings in your home.

Other Important spring Maintenance Tasks

In order to prepare an HVAC system for the spring and summer, a technician will conduct tests to ensure that everything is working properly. While your system is running, the technician will listen to different sounds that the unit produces. If the system generates odd noises, a component needs maintenance or repairs.

Contact Griffith Energy Service and learn more about spring AC maintenance. We service electronic, oil, and gas heating systems.

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