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Best Thermostat Settings for Summer and Winter

Northern Virginia experiences hazy, hot and humid summers and winters that produce a mild amount of snow. To stay comfortable and encourage home energy conservation and your monthly savings, , it’s important to know the best thermostat settings.  The U.S. Department...

Is Attic Insulation Worth It in Your Baltimore Home

Heating and cooling your home is expensive, and energy costs are getting higher every year. If you haven't insulated the attic, you're compromising comfort and wasting energy year round. Insulation Helps in Summer and Winter In the winter, the heat your furnace...

Keep Your Manassas Home Odor and Moisture Free With Exhaust Fans

Today's focus on reducing energy consumption has resulted in homes that are more tightly sealed and well-insulated than ever before. Unfortunately, a home that's sealed up against the elements often has inadequate air flow. Adding exhaust fans can solve this problem,...

Start Reducing Energy Costs Now With These 5 Tips

If you'd like to rein in your monthly household budget, why not start to reduce energy costs. Unlike some other household expenses, there are ways to cut your energy budget painlessly, such as: Pulling the plugs. Many battery chargers for handheld devices continue to...

3 Signs That Make the Decision for Duct Cleaning Easier

The ducts that distribute air in your home are hidden behind your ceilings and walls, so how can you tell when they need to be cleaned? According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), duct cleaning is necessary when certain conditions exist. If you're...

Reduce Energy Costs With These Quick Tips

Baltimore area homeowners with high utility bills may wonder how to reduce energy costs while retaining maximum comfort.  Besides upgrading to a more energy-efficient HVAC system, following these “whole-house” tips should help you noticeably reduce energy costs: ...

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