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What Causes a Wet Air Filter in an HVAC System?

What Causes a Wet Air Filter in an HVAC System?

Just as it’s important to check and change your HVAC system’s air filter every month, it’s also important to keep it dry. The air filter is instrumental for preventing dust, pet dander, mold spores and other harmful airborne particles from entering your Columbia, MD...

3 Reasons to Pick an Air Conditioner With a Variable-Speed Air Handler

If you're shopping for a new air conditioner, you're likely looking at some of the efficient features that will reduce your energy use and lower your utility bills. One feature that will do that is a variable-speed air handler. Following are some of the reasons why a...

Can Problems in Your Duct System Cause Poor Indoor Air Quality?

Ducts are like the lungs of your home. After the return air is drawn into the HVAC system and conditioned, the ductwork sends it to registers where it's distributed through the home. If you've got problems with your ducts, poor indoor air quality may result in several...

How Can I Get the Most Energy Savings From my Programmable Thermostat?

The thermostat is often the go-to device when your home is uncomfortable or something's wrong with the HVAC system. A programmable thermostat extends your control of home comfort and energy savings with automatic preprogrammed settings. Use these tips to maximize...

6 Summertime Benefits of Powering Your Home with Propane [Infographic]

If you haven't noticed, the hot summer months have begun to encroach on the DMV area. And homeowners likely are looking to keep their energy costs under control and maintain home comfort. To this end, propane offers some distinct advantages. As a home fuel source,...

What a Professional Audit Can Tell You About Your Home’s Energy Usage

A home energy audit provides you a complete picture of where and how your home is losing energy, as well as the steps you can take to save energy dollars. The energy audit will also include an assessment of health and safety problems that may exist in the home. Your...

3 Issues That Could Be Costing You More on Monthly Energy Bills

There's a lot of constructive work you can do to make sure that your home's HVAC system is working as efficiently as possible, and plenty of ways you can cut back on your energy use overall so you can lower energy bills. However, one thing to be aware of is that you...

Eliminate Dust from Your Home and Watch IAQ Soar

Where does dust come from? Most dust is generated by us, our pets and the possessions within our homes. Only a small amount of it wafts in from outdoors or travels in on our clothes. Once we understand that, we can take logical steps to control dust. By doing so,...

Will a Whole-House Fan Make Your Baltimore Home More Comfortable?

A whole-house fan is home ventilation taken to the highest level. These powerful ceiling-mounted fans make your entire home the vent, inducing a strong negative pressure inside the house that draws fresh outdoor air in through open windows while exhausting stale...

What Are the Advantages of an HVAC Service and Maintenance Agreement?

Regular care and maintenance are essential for the health of your heating and cooling systems. With an HVAC service and maintenance agreement, it’s more convenient and affordable to keep your system in great shape. There are many benefits to investing in this type of...

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