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A programmable thermostat is one of the most crucial investments you can make for your home in Hagerstown, MD. With this being the case, you want to ensure you’re getting your money’s worth out of your thermostat to keep your home at a comfortable and consistent temperature throughout the year. The following are reasons why it’s cost-efficient to maintain your house at one temperature.

Reduced Utility Bills

One of the best ways to save on your monthly utility bills is to install a programmable thermostat. Set the thermostat to one specific temperature during different seasons. One of the advantages of performing this action is putting less strain on your air conditioner when the temperature outside fluctuates. As a result, your AC will consume less energy, leading to reduced energy bills.

Longer AC Lifespan

Keeping your home at one temperature helps prolong the life of your AC. Don’t make the mistake of overworking your cooling system by resetting the temperature and turning it off. Over time, this can cause premature wear and tear, leading to constant AC repairs. A single movement can help minimize frequent breakdowns and keep more money in your pocket.

Better Life for Wooden Surfaces

Frequently turning your AC on and off may cause damage to wooden surfaces in your home. Wooden surfaces tend to expand and contract with temperature changes. This can cause them to crack and even warp.

When you keep your house at a consistent temperature, the natural expansion and contraction of the wooden surfaces in your home will be less. Thus, your precious furniture will remain in solid condition.

Unsure of what temperature to keep in your home? Contact Griffith Energy Services today. We provide a variety of top-rated services and specialize in AC installations. We’ll help secure your indoor comfort in no time at all!

Image provided by iStock

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