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Saving money is a top priority for many Baltimore, MA, homeowners. Luckily, a few small, smart, and simple changes in your day-to-day life can make a big difference in lowering your utility bills. Here at Griffith Energy Services, we can take care of all your heating needs as well as educate you on how to use your home heating system effectively while cutting energy costs where possible. Let’s take a look at what habits you should be cautious of and what solutions may help to lower this expense.

Bad Habits that are Costing You Money

  • By attempting to heat your house too quickly, you may be running your heat longer than you need to. Unless you have two stage heating, your current furnace contains one fixed gas valve and one single-speed blower motor. As a result, your furnace will only work at one speed. You can save money by keeping your thermostat set only at the desired temperature rather than trying to overcompensate by setting the temperature higher than necessary.
  • A study done by the US Department of Energy found that you can actually save 10-15% off your heating bill by lowering your thermostat for the 8 hours a day when you’re not home. So, remember to lower the heat before you leave for the day to see significant cost savings over time.
  • Mess with your thermostat as little as possible to avoid having it stop and start up again. This allows your unit to run more efficiently, which will translate into even more cost savings.

An Effective Solution to Help Save You Money

A programmable thermostat is the most effective way to help mitigate against all three of these bad habits. They are cheap to purchase (around $30), easy to install, and simple to use in order to gain control over your thermostat and break those bad habits.

Contact Griffith Energy Services, Inc. today either online or by phone at (888) 474-3391 with any questions regarding your HVAC needs in the Baltimore area.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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