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Despite your best efforts to cut energy waste in your home, you’ve received another high energy bill from the city of Baltimore, Maryland. In addition to turning off lights and employing other energy-efficient habits, consider installing a ductless cooling system. Thanks to their lack of ducts, ductless units allow you to personalize your energy efficiency and cut your utility costs.

What Is a Ductless AC System?

A ductless air conditioning system simplifies and maximizes a conventional air conditioning unit’s best qualities. Standard AC systems consist of an indoor air handler, an outdoor compressor unit, and a duct network to cool your home. Ductless air conditioning still relies on an outdoor compressor unit and an indoor air handler, but it does away with the duct system. Instead, the indoor air handler blows air directly into your living space from its place on the walls of your home.

By removing ducts and their associated air loss problems, ductless air conditioning is much more energy-efficient than conventional air conditioning. Ductless systems can further improve energy efficiency thanks to one of their special features: zoning.

How Does Zoning Improve Energy Efficiency?

Because ductless systems aren’t tied down by ducts, you can have them installed anywhere in your living space, creating areas called zones. A zone is the space heated or cooled by a single ductless unit. A thermostat that’s independent of any other ductless units in your home controls this unit, allowing you to personalize comfort and efficiency in your home by keeping different zones at different temperatures.

By zoning your home, you guarantee that only the areas needing conditioned air will receive it. No more wasting energy in rooms you only enter a few times a year. And because you can control every zone’s temperature independently, you and your family won’t constantly be fiddling with the thermostat, which can also waste energy. Thanks to this optimization and personalization, zoning improves energy efficiency and cuts utility costs.

Take control of your energy efficiency with ductless AC zoning. To have a ductless system installed in your home, call our team at Griffith Energy Services at 888-474-3391.

Image provided by iStock

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