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Summer is right around the corner in Columbia, Maryland, and that means your heat pump is another year older than it was last summer. As efficient as your heat pump might have seemed last summer, these systems don’t last forever. In fact, the average heat pump lifespan is about 15 years.

If your heating and cooling system is approaching the 15-year mark, the HVAC specialists at Griffith Energy Services typically recommend that you start thinking about a replacement. But how do you know when it’s time to take the plunge and upgrade? From constant operation to strange noises, watch for these six signs that you need a new heat pump for your Mid-Atlantic home.

Your Heat Pump Seems to Run Constantly

Heat pumps are designed to operate in cycles, turning on when prompted by the thermostat and switching off once they’ve heated or cooled your home within a comfortable range. If your heat pump doesn’t cycle so much as run constantly, it isn’t operating properly.

Our team can determine whether the system isn’t communicating clearly with your thermostat or if your heat pump is too small for your home, forcing it to run around the clock. If it isn’t sized correctly, we’ll typically recommend a replacement, which can help you save money on utility bills and repair costs down the road.

Your Home Never Feels Comfortable

As heat pumps age, they tend to operate less efficiently and lose the ability to move air effectively. If your home never feels cool enough during the summer or warm enough during the winter, consider it a sign that you need a new heat pump. Since new heat pumps offer superior comfort, improved efficiency, and compatibility with smart thermostats, a new system can make you feel more comfortable right away.

Your Indoor Air Quality Is Suffering

From humidity to ventilation, heat pumps have the power to control all kinds of indoor air quality issues. Yet if your home constantly feels too humid, the air always seems stale, or you’re sneezing around the clock, it’s a sign that your heat pump isn’t moderating air quality effectively.

Our team often recommends replacing older heat pumps that compromise indoor air quality, but if your system is relatively new, you may be able to take other steps instead. From whole-house dehumidifiers to energy-recovery ventilators, our team can install air quality add-ons that give your heat pump an extra boost to clear the air.

Your Heat Pump Needs Frequent Repairs

If you call our technicians for repairs several times every season, it’s definitely time to consider a new system. Replacing your old heat pump allows you to invest in a new heating and cooling system and gives you peace of mind knowing that you can look forward to years of all-season comfort.

Your Utility Bills Keep Creeping Up

When you live in Maryland, you can typically expect higher utility bills during the summer months and at the peak of winter. After all, that’s when the area tends to experience the most extreme temperatures, so that’s when your heat pump uses the most energy to keep your family comfortable.

If you notice higher than usual utility bills outside of those seasons, it’s probably a sign that your heat pump is wasting energy. A routine tuneup and inspection can give our HVAC technicians a chance to assess your heat pump’s performance and recommend a major repair or an energy-efficient replacement.

Your Heat Pump Makes Strange Noises

Most heat pumps make noise as their cycles start and end, but systems in good condition shouldn’t emit sounds during normal operation. If your heat pump makes a grinding, squealing, or banging noise at any point during its cycle, consider it a sign that your heating and cooling system needs immediate attention. Our repair technicians can get to the root of the problem right away and confirm whether your heat pump is on its last legs or if it simply needs a replacement part.

If any of these signs sound familiar, don’t wait to replace your cooling system with a new heat pump. Call the cooling experts at Griffith Energy Services today: 888-474-3391.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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