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It’s that time of month. Once again, your Easton, MD water bill is much higher than you had anticipated. But you’ve done so well lately! You haven’t left water running, and you’ve reduced the number of times per week you take a bath. What more could you possibly do?

Being more energy-efficient is one thing, but cutting back on water costs can be intimidating. You may not realize how much water you use almost unconsciously until you’re cutting down on its usage. Fortunately, there’s a balance. By building efficient habits, you can cut water bills without drastically disturbing your lifestyle. Here’s how.

Conserve in the Kitchen

The kitchen is one of those places where you may use more water than you think. Even short spurts of filling a cup can add up over time. You wait for the tap water to get cold. You run water while you decimate everything in the disposal. The water may run for only a few seconds, but those seconds add up.

Instead of running water into the disposal, scrape food into the garbage or the composter. Remember, your dishes don’t need to be completely spotless when you throw them in the dishwasher. Instead of cleaning dishes by hand, make good use of your dishwasher. Not only does it use less water, but it also spares you some work. If you start using your dishwasher more often, however, remember to run it only when it’s full, not after every meal.

Speaking of dishes, you don’t need to use a new cup for every single glass of water you fill. Also, rather than waiting for the tap water to cool, keep a pitcher of water in the fridge or a 10-pound bag of ice in the freezer.

Budget the Bathroom

You may not think you use the bathroom as much as you use the kitchen, but your habits in the throne room could still stand improvement. Just imagine that every time you turn the faucet, coins are flowing down into the drain. That should help you cut back.

Want to do more? While taking shorter showers certainly helps (and most of us can probably take shorter showers), installing a low-flow showerhead will use less water. While you’re at it, install a low-flow toilet as well.

Speaking of humankind’s greatest invention, if you can stand it, don’t flush every single time you go to the bathroom. You use six gallons of water every time you flush, so even if you flush every other time, you’re saving a substantial amount of money.

Other Improvements

If you want to truly cut water costs, you’ll want to adjust every way you use water in and around your home. One of the first things you should do is scour the interior and exterior of your home for leaks. Keep a careful eye on your water heater, listen for drip-drips under the kitchen and bathroom sinks, and check for pools near your boiler often.

We know you love to give your vehicle some personal TLC, but washing your car at home uses gallons of water. Instead, take your baby to a car wash you can trust. You may have to pay to use that wash, but it will likely still be cheaper than washing at home.

Wear clothes more than once. We’re not talking about underwear or your workout tank-top, but you’ll be okay if you wear a pair of pants or shorts a couple times a week. The less you use your clothes washer, the more water and money you’ll save.

Last but certainly not least, there are many ways to care for your garden other than drenching it in hose water every night. Collect rainwater. Adopt plants that require less watering and use mulch, which reduces evaporation and allows your plants to get all the moisture they need.

See? There are plenty of ways to cut water costs other than not showering for a week or turning off the flow of water to your home. Implement these simple habits, and you’ll look forward to getting your utility bills. For help reducing your utility costs even further, call Griffith Energy Services at 888-474-3391.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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