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If you live in Frederick, MD, and own a house with a boiler, you may notice over time that the boiler may experience certain issues. This isn’t always a simple matter to diagnose, but you’ll likely know when something’s wrong with the system. It’s important that you’re aware of the signs of an inefficient boiler, all of which will be discussed below.

1. Water Leaks

It’s obvious when you find a water leak that there’s a problem. However, it can be tricky to figure out where the issue lies.

There might be a loose pipe connection or one or more faulty components in the system, such as the pressure valve. Regardless of the situation, reach out to your local HVAC repair company right away to examine the situation, so there’s no further damage.

2. Abnormal Noises

As your boiler gets older, it can make strange sounds as it starts up, shuts down, and runs. This can also happen with certain system designs. You may end up tuning out the noise if it’s not extremely loud and consistent enough that you just get used to it.

If you notice a whistling sound, minerals may have built up on the heat exchanger. Some other unusual things you may hear include whooshing, clunking, and gurgling. Reach out to a service technician in your area for help in fixing this issue.

3. Unusual Smells

You may pick up on strange smells from your boiler. If you notice there’s a burned metal, oil, or plastic smell coming from it, one of the causes could be the elements or circuits are overheating. An especially problematic smell is of rotten eggs, which likely means that gas is leaking from the system.

When this happens, shut off the boiler until you have a professional come out to fix the problem. Additionally, you should expect that there will be a burning fabric or dust smell the first time you start it up each season.

4. Decrease in Temperature

If the water in your sink or shower isn’t as hot as it once was, the problem might be your boiler. The cause may be a broken dip tube that lets the unheated water in with the heated water. Built-up sediments can also block the entire system and cause it to malfunction. In some instances, a complete replacement may be necessary. However, maybe routine maintenance is all your heater needs to continue running.

5. An Absence of Hot Water and Heat

One of the more obvious signs that your boiler requires immediate attention is there’s no heat or hot water. This could be due to one faulty part; with a quick replacement, your system will perform great again. An HVAC service technician is your best bet for system diagnosis and repair of the problem.

6. Boiler Turning Off

When your boiler turns itself off repeatedly, this usually is to keep it from melting components and overheating. The temperature sensor that’s on many boiler systems will make it shut down before it reaches a truly hazardous level.

Why does it overheat? The reasons vary, though common causes are that there’s air in the system, the boiler has a closed valve, or the pump is malfunctioning. Have an expert come into your home and assess why your boiler is breaking down.

7. It Takes Longer to Heat Your Home

Have you noticed that your house still feels chilly after you turn up the heat? This could mean that your boiler is failing. The cause can be anything from a blown fuse to a malfunctioning thermostat.

If you need assistance with boiler system issues, contact Griffith Energy Services. We have trained and experienced staff who can handle a variety of HVAC problems. Trust in an HVAC company that’s been in operation since 1898 to provide red carpet maintenance, repair, and replacement services.

Image provided by iStock

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