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During the summer in Dover, DE, our daily high-temperature averages are in the mid-to-upper 80s and sometimes rise into the 90s. When you switch on your air conditioning system, doing so efficiently will save you money and help reduce your carbon footprint. Keep reading for some surprisingly simple tips to help cool your home efficiently in Dover, DE.

1. Opening and Closing Your Windows

With modern, heat-resistant glass, closing your windows during the heat of the day will keep your home cooler. And opening them when the outside temperature is equal to or lower than the temperature in your home will save energy and circulate your air. Our temperatures dip into the high 60s overnight in late summer, so opening the windows is a great way to keep the house cool.

2. Placing Plants Inside Near Windows

When plants get hot, they release water through their leaves in a process called transpiration. Through it, the room in which you have these plants will be slightly cooler, thus reducing the amount of energy you use. The hottest spots in any home are near the windows, so this is where you should place these plants.

3. Making the Best Use of Your Fans

In hot weather, your ceiling fan should run counterclockwise to blow air down onto you, making you feel cooler. When you stand under a ceiling fan during the summer, you should feel the air flowing over you. To save more energy, be sure to turn the fan off when you leave the room.

Electric fans use only a fraction of the power that HVAC systems use, so they’re a good choice for staying comfortable during days that aren’t quite as hot. Depending on how much cooling you need, you can choose small, rotating fans or tall, powerful vertical fans. These fans are quite useful because you can take them from room to room as needed.

You can use multiple fans to create a natural breeze through your home while freshening the air at the same time. Simply set one up to pull air into your home from a shaded location and another fan to blow air out an open window in a warmer part of the house. Even two fans use far less electricity than your HVAC system, so on not-so-hot days, this is an effective strategy.

4. Installing Blinds or Heat-Reducing Window Film

Both of these window coverings will reduce the effect of sunlight on your windows, thus reducing the heat within your home. You can also raise the blinds on cool evenings when you open the windows while giving the HVAC system a break. This approach offers you flexible, low-tech control over your home’s internal temperature.

5. Using a Duct Fan

Duct fans can cool a room by blowing more of the cooler air from your HVAC system into that room when needed. They’re plug-and-play, and you can switch them on and off, so you can save money by using them only when necessary. You can also move them from duct to duct as easily as you can move a regular fan.

6. Grilling Instead of Using the Stove or Oven

Here in our city, summer evening temperatures are mild, so you can take advantage of this natural coolness by firing up the grill. Cooking in your kitchen tends to make heat spread in the area, particularly when using your oven, so it’s wise to avoid it as often as possible. This can also help you save on your energy bill.

When it comes to experience, we’ve been in business since the turn of the 20th century, so you can trust our knowledge in all energy matters, particularly those that relate to heating and cooling. Our HVAC techs have experience with all makes and models. Whenever your cooling system gives you trouble, give us a call at Griffith Energy Services for repair services in Dover, DE.

Image provided by iStock

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