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Size matters, especially when it comes to one of the most critical systems in your Columbia-area home. Learn how an oversized HVAC system can end up costing you and why maintaining a correctly sized system is the right choice for the long run.

Lower Energy Efficiency

Whether you have a newly constructed home or a historic home, an experienced HVAC technician should use the exact specifications of your home to produce a Manual J load calculation. This figure accurately reveals the right HVAC system size for your space. Some techs rely on general approximations instead, which can easily result in a system that doesn’t meet your home’s needs.

Most HVAC systems come with an energy efficiency rating, a major selling point when you’re seeking to reduce your carbon footprint and cut costs at the same time. One of the biggest problems with an oversized HVAC system, however, is that it simply can’t achieve the advertised energy efficiency.

Air conditioners use the most energy when they turn on, and larger systems require the greatest amount of energy. Instead of completing a normal cooling cycle, oversized systems short-cycle, or cool the space quickly and turn off before they’ve had the chance to reach an energy-efficient level. These systems also tend to short-cycle more frequently than they should, which means they’re constantly in a costly state of high energy usage.

High Utility Bills

Paying extra for an air conditioner that’s too large for your home is just the beginning of the cost-related issues you’ll encounter with an oversized system. When your air conditioner makes a habit of short cycling and regularly consuming more energy than necessary, you can plan on receiving utility bills that are higher than normal.

Many new HVAC systems offer advanced energy-efficient technology that comes with a hefty price tag. When you’re consistently overpaying for energy, the chances are slim that you’ll be able to make up the difference in cost between a standard system and an efficient one.

Poor Air Circulation

Short-cycles don’t just result in poor energy usage. They can also lead to poor air circulation, since an abbreviated cycle limits what the air conditioner or furnace is able to accomplish. Essentially, short-cycles mean that the rooms situated at the far reaches of your home’s ductwork may never receive adequate circulation.

Poor circulation can lead to stale air, cause dust mites to thrive, and allow mold and other allergens to develop. These issues can prove costly over time, as they can cause significant indoor air quality issues, structural problems throughout your home, and health problems like chronic coughing and even lung disease.

Frequent Repair Costs

A system that doesn’t operate correctly and experiences many more starts and stops than it’s designed for is bound to encounter more breakdowns and mechanical failures than a standard HVAC system. While experienced technicians from Griffith Energy Services can offer regular preventative maintenance and HVAC repair options as necessary, you’ll want to avoid frequent repairs.

If your HVAC system relies on additional devices like a ventilation system, an air purifier, or a whole-house dehumidifier, costs can climb even higher due to the complex nature of the repairs. Depending on the age of your HVAC system, you might save money replacing the oversized system with a new one that meets the needs of your space.

Shorter System Lifespan

Whether or not you want to invest in a replacement for your oversized HVAC system, you might have to do so sooner than you planned. Even with professional repairs, excessive wear and tear can severely shorten the life of your home’s HVAC system.

When it’s time to replace your system, consult with a team of professional HVAC experts, and be sure to request a Manual J load calculation for your home. Without such an exact figure, you might end up back at square one with a system that doesn’t work for your home.

Unsure if your HVAC system is the right size for your home? Contact Griffith Energy Services to find the right HVAC system or your family’s needs: 888-474-3391.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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